can Fibroids Burst?

You may have just read this title, “Can Fibroids Burst,” and instantly had a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach. If you’ve had a uterine fibroid diagnosis, the question “Can uterine fibroids rupture?” may be on your list. 

While it rarely happens, a ruptured fibroid or fibroid burst can cause painful symptoms. We want you to be informed, and we’ve created this guide to explain what happens when a fibroid bursts.

Ruptured Fibroid and Discharge

Uterine fibroids are non-cancerous growths in or on your uterus. Fibroids may cause many different symptoms depending on their size and location. While some women with ruptured fibroids have few or no symptoms, others experience debilitating issues that interfere with their quality of life. 

Can Fibroids Burst?

While fibroids are not life-threatening, they can cause severe complications if they burst, otherwise known as a ruptured fibroid. 

How Does It Feel When A Fibroid Bursts?

A ruptured fibroid happens when a fibroid breaks open. Since fibroids do have blood vessels and nerves, they can bleed and cause abdominal pain.

What Happens When a Fibroid Bursts?

 When a fibroid bursts, it causes acute blood loss that may become life-threatening. Ruptured fibroids can also cause serious health risks if you are pregnant. Increased blood pressure within the veins can cause a fibroid to burst during pregnancy.

Fibroid Burst Symptoms and Uterine Fibroid Rupture Symptoms

Fibroids themselves don’t generate any discharge; however, pink discharge may indicate the presence of fibroids. Other uterine fibroid rupture symptoms may include bleeding between periods or heavy bleeding during periods. Light bleeding, or spotting, between periods mixed with cervical fluid can lead to any pink discharge you notice.

Can Uterine Fibroids Rupture?

According to research and case studies, ruptured fibroid causes can include:

  • An increase in blood pressure or abdominal pressure
  • Twisting in a fibroid that has a stalk
  • An injury that tears the fibroid from the uterus
  • The fibroid is growing too large for its existing blood supply

Medical professionals don’t quite understand why ruptured fibroids occur since they have so few cases to examine.

How do I know if I have fibroids?

Are Burst Fibroids Dangerous?

Ruptured fibroids can cause severe complications if they go untreated. When a fibroid bursts, it causes acute blood loss that may become life-threatening. If you have ruptured fibroid symptoms and experience sudden abdominal pain, immediately see a medical professional. This ruptured fibroid symptom could indicate a burst fibroid or another serious issue. 

Ruptured fibroids can also cause serious health risks if you are pregnant. Increased blood pressure within the veins can cause a fibroid to burst during pregnancy. Tracking symptom changes and seeing a doctor if you experience any is essential as well as managing any fibroid pain treatment. 

How Do I Reduce My Risk of Ruptured Fibroids?

Since ruptured fibroids have such a low rate of occurrence, medical professionals can’t advise on preventing their direct causes. It can even be hard to recognize uterine fibroid rupture symptoms. However, you can address potential or existing fibroids by:

  • Getting an examination for fibroids: A medical professional can examine you if you don’t have a fibroid diagnosis but suspect you have them. In many cases, you can receive a non-invasive examination through ultrasound.
  • Receiving treatment for your existing fibroids: You may have the option to get minimally invasive treatment for your ruptured fibroid symptoms. Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE) is a non-surgical, outpatient procedure that can provide relief without a long recovery period. 

If you think you have a burst fibroid, seek immediate medical attention. The most common ruptured fibroid symptom is severe abdominal pain; spontaneous, excessive vaginal bleeding can occur in rare cases. If you think you have a burst fibroid or ruptured fibroid, seek immediate medical attention. A doctor can diagnose your ruptured fibroid symptoms accurately, and early intervention can ensure you have treatment options since letting your condition progress can eliminate less invasive methods.   

Get Fibroid Diagnosis and Treatment at USA Fibroid Centers

At USA Fibroid Centers, we help patients across the United States find freedom from the symptoms of uterine fibroids. We provide Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE), an FDA-approved, non-surgical treatment that can address your symptoms with the least impact on your body and a short recovery time. Get it before you experience the possibility of uterine fibroid rupture symptoms. Schedule an appointment online or call us at 855.615.2555 to see how we can help.

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